Arrests at the bridges

7 arrests yesterday at the bridges. All men arrested had papers i.e. had applied for asylum in France. Those who have no papers hide in less obvious places. But the police go there, search the people, control the papers than say that something does not match and have to take the people to police station for further controls. Of course all these men have been brought to police station again and again. When they arrested 7 they said ‘they had enough’ and drove off. 6 were taken from the bridge nearer to Town hall, where some Afghans live, and one from the bridge opposite, Iranians and some Afghans. This is ‘normal’ in Calais. Only arrests have hugely increased after the destruction of camps began. Usually these men are released after a few hours, and have to walk all the way back because late at night there are no buses. There were three CRS vans at one bridge and one at the bridge opposite, about 15 to 20 cops took part in this operation. What’s a good use of public money.